Thursday, April 23, 2009

How would you feel if someone said something mean to you on the telephone, in an email, or in an online discussion? Is there a difference between the telephone and the computer? The difference between the computer and telephone is that the computer is an easy way to say something mean to somebody, the telephone you say it directly to that person and that person gets to react to what you said without having to get on the internet and send an message back.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Do you think our lives have been improved by the Internet? yes, because internet made it possible for a lot of things example you can book hotels, air planes ,even vacation spot with the internet. The internet is like an access to the whole world you can meet people even talk to them through the internet.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kids often carry around "loveys"--comfort items like blankets or teddy bears. If you could still carry a lovey now, what would it be? I think that i would carry around a picture of when i was younger to remind me of how much i grew and how much change. To show people how mature i become from when i was little.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why do you think that students taking the HSPA are not allowed to have cell phones during the test? because people who pass are able to help or may be they dont want no interuption during the test so cell phone are not allow.
Do you think that students who do not pass the HSPA should not be allowed to graduate? Can you think of any exceptions? I think the statement is right because you get sra and you get three tries to pass and even if you dont sra class make's up for that.
How can the internet help you to learn? Do you take advantage of this? The internet can help you in many way's help you find answer to question by just asking. i don't take advantage of the internet because some times it just better to read an book.
"I think the world would be a better place if students learned more ______ in school." Write a word or phrase and explain why you chose it. Respect, because if we learn to respect one another and the way we do things then this world would be better. Respect can get you along way earn respect without destroy yourself.
You can get a college degree from University of the People for free. If it's free, can it be worth anything? Everything has an price in life, so I think that yes it's worth something you probably have to work hard, get good grades because inorder to recieve an scholarship you have to work hard and be about it.
Write your own Limerick.
There once was an cat
who wore an hat
he ate fish
which was his favorite dish
they called this cat pat the hat

Friday, March 13, 2009

What are three of the ways the Internet can be used for education? The internet can be helpful in many ways, 1) you can learn important information about many things. 2) you can do project and other activities that you need an computer with internet access.3) you have access to over billion of things vacation spots information about things you may need for an class.
What do you think is the best way to protect children from online predators? The best way to protect your children from online predators is if their at home block certain web site which allow predators to have contract with them and if their at an friend house you should talk to them about the things that happen when you talk to people, talk about how you should never meet any body that you met online. Explain all the effects that online predators can have on you.
Do you think that your parents should be responsible for your behavior in school? Do you think it is right that they can be fined and even jailed for your behavior?
I think that everybody should be able to take care of their self, but parents should be responsible for keeping them on the right track and being focus. It is not fair that the parents are being punish for their children action but at the same time they should be able to have some type of control of their children. parents can't hold their children hand through life, so why should they hand to suffer more then their children going to jail can cause a lot of problem, loss of job maybe even lose custody of their other children.